We all know this time of the year is extra difficult to get out of bed and move our bodies. But that's exactly the thing to do to improve our mood and help our sore joints!
Let's reassess. 6 months of the year left. It's OK that our motivation ebbs and flows over the year. If you find yourself in a slump it might be due to:
Needing to reassess our goals. Taking time to think about our goals and see if we need to tweak things to work better for us.
Burnout/Fatigue. A lot of things can be busy this time of year. School, study, workloads.
Seasonal Adjustment Disorder (it's a real thing!) The change in weather patterns and daylight hours are a big thing to work with rather than against.
Adjusting our workloads at home, work and exercise, as per everything else going on in life. It's OK to take a step back when you need to.
Ways to help motivation:
Create a routine. Especially in the wintery months
Eat and sleep better. Healthy foods like soups and slow cooker meals can help us so much when we are in hibernation mode
Drink more water - guilty. It's more difficult to drink water in wintery months than summer months, so add in that extra litre!
Reassess your goals. Can you make it work for you, your family, in the time you’ve allowed yourself.
6 months has happened, but it still means 6 months for you to make meaningful changes!
