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Beginner upper body

Beginner lower body

Beginner upper body rehab based on shoulder, neck or upper back related injuries including headaches, postural compaints, stiffness into neck, shoulders and upper back.
This is great for if you are new to pilates based movements and rehab. Bronwyn has designed these with safety in mind, pain free focussing on upper back, neck, sholuder and "core control."

6 x 10 minute based exercise videos for $25, and you can keep these videos forever, and can refer back to them as needed.

Ideally done as 3x 10 minute videos for a 30 minute session. Can also be mixed with intermediate based exercises for a safe added challenge for $50, as discussed with your practitioner if this is appropriate for your level of rehab.

Beginner lower body rehab based on low back pain, hip or lower limb related injuries including disc injuries, sciatica, SI joint issies, bursitis, or osteoarthritis, and stiffness into low back and hips.
This is great for if you are new to pilates based movements and rehab. Bronwyn has designed these with safety in mind, pain free focussing on low back, hips, glutes, legs and abdominal/"core strengthening"

6 x 10 minute based exercise videos for $25, and you can keep these videos forever, and can refer back to them as needed.

Ideally done as 3x 10 minute videos for a 30 minute session. Can also be mixed with intermediate based exercises for a safe added challenge for $50, as discussed with your practitioner if this is appropriate for your level of rehab.


Highbury Consulting Suites

429 Highbury Road,  Burwood East, 3151




Parking is available outside the clinic

on Highbury Road


Public Transport: 

Bus: Route 703

Tram: Route 75 + 10 minute walk

Opening Hours:

Monday 8am - 7pm

Tuesday 8am - 7pm

Wednesday 8am - 7pm

Thursday 8am - 7pm

Friday 8am - 4pm

Near Cnr Highbury Road and Middleborough Road

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Ph: 0492 927 343

*Please note there may be a 1-2 minute hold time for phone calls

F: 03 8677 6963

©2020 by Burwood Osteo and Rehab.

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